Collegium Danubius – Duna CollegiumINVITATION
Leadership for Sacred Living
Partnership along the Danube
Seed Idea for a core project initiated by SoL Hungary and co-sponsored by partners in the Duna-Carpathians region.
WE do think that the future of Europe, in the times to come with what many people refert to as the SHIFT or Tipping Point, largely depends on its coherence and stability. Yet there is no European coherence & security until Central and South East Europe is out of balance both in relation to the rest of – what is called nowdays – Western Europe and in relation to its own nations and nationalities, with special consideration for the Roma population.
To further develop our project in the following years to come we are hoping to cooperate with Castle Borl project in Slovenia, Youth projekt in Austria, The Presencing Institute, The AOH regional community, Blekinge Institute of Technology, in Sweden and Schumacher College in UK as well as some universities in the three-four core project regions with a special strategic alliance. (see below ) and also with other universities, NGOs and
business companies in the region..
Collegium Danubius- Danube Leadership for Sustainability has the mission to contribute to the solution of the above split in Europe, to offer such a learning space where young leaders can master innovative and complexity based disciplines in the spirit of action learning that is dedicated to social and business and environmental sustainability projects focused on local issues with global awareness in an interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral as well as trans-national focus. We have 4 subunits of learning regions for this complex programme:
1., Upper Tisza region:
Tisza region including The Ukraine,Slovakia, ( South Poland? ) Transylvania ( Roumania ) partnering with a Hungarian university where one of our trustees is the Dean in Nyíregyháza, here more emphasis on teacher development and community schooling
2., West Danube Region
with the joint focus of Bécs ( Wien) – Bratislava ( Pozsony ,Pressburg ) – Budapest, focus, but perhaps placed in Győr where Austria, Slovakia and Hungary can work and develop environmental, water and industrial sustainability.
3., Drava – Danube region:
the Danube and Drava rivers connecting Croatia-Slovenia and Serbia and Hungary—two of our trustees, and a Croatian partner team work there and could be thecenter core for applying OL in rural and regional development.
Some of our core themes:
- Sustainable living, systems thinking and the ecology of mind,
- Organisational learning and social group dynamics,
- Systemic dialogues and social transformation
- European and esp.Central-East European development, inc. Romology,
- Spiritualality and a shift from the Ego to the Eco consciousness – a personal-community development for the sacredness of life as it is expressed in modern spirituality, main religions and the Tradition.
The aim of this network learning is to develop high quality, leading edge interdisciplinary self-organized learning of international and cross-sectoral background based on a shared understanding after deep inquiry into the past and the potential of their common futures.
Participants will have a cjoice of short and long courses in spaces of person2person interactions as well as in the virtual spaces.
They may want to master
- the latest scientific theory and practice on sustainability, the relevant new science that is leading to
- new social paradigm, and at the same time will want to develop the necessary
- personal and organizational skills and competences
to bring their visions into real life.
They will create a new and innovative approach to eco-social entrepereneurship and leadership based on deep social, scientific and political understanding, anchored in social compassion and responsibility.
Thus the program includes some major pillars or learning gardens interacting and in close interface.
The core essence of the learning program is to develop:
1. deep understanding of the theory and practice around sustainability and
organisational, social and personal systemic development and its rootedness in
regional Old Europe
2. to enhance the understanding of the formation and development of our unique
European culture and our shared and common roots
3. to foster the idea of cooperation and enhancement of cross border projects in the
spirit of team and peer learning so that we may overcome the drawbacks and
hindrances of what we have inherited from our past with strong seperation and
distiction and recognize and value what holds us together, appreciate our
achievemnets and deeds and actions in cooperation.
The Patrons of Duna Collegium is Prof. Ervin Laszlo and Günter Pauli and Reiner Eisler.
Our core partner organisations are ( process of partnership agreements):
Schumacher College ( main center for our inspiration), UK
Knowmads,Amsterdam, NL
Masters of Strategis Leadership Towards Sustainability, MSLS, Blekinge College – TNS
Blue Economy –
Teos Academy
Invited network partners in the region are:
International Professional partners
Global SoL worldwide network
Plenum-Pioneers of Change
International Partnership for Transformative Learning, IPTL
Expected Sponsors:
EU DunaStrategy national Agencies
Business organizations at a Regional Scale ( OMW, INA-LUKOIL,MOL; Raiffeisen bank, MagNet bank, et.)
Curriculum development
Apart from the traditional peoples of national identity in the region, we will include Jewish and Roma cultural and ethnicity issues from past and present with special focus on Roma intelligentia developed into leadership capacity.
The curriculum of the Colleges in general shared in between 4 major disciplines:
- sustainability. theory and practice ( with special focus on Blue economy )
- people-organization-systems ( inc. transformation and leadership in personal and organizational level )
- self and community development ( personal self and cultural self knowledge and development ) with personal and transpersonal psychology focus and the sacred traditions with a regional focus and cross cultural awareness and communication
- project and entrepreneural development of glocal awareness inc. EU studies of cultural and governmental and regional awareness.
The core and balancing issue in this larger region IS
- for Western Europe to recognize CEE and CSE as an EQUAL PARTNER both culturally and economically so that a sustainable and balance development of Europe can reeastablish the equilibrium that is a prerequisite for further development. ( otherwise -as a UNDP leader has remarked ‘We, meaning CSEu have already ignited a World War …! ‘) for Eastern Central Europe to grow into self and cultural awareness and identity in a balanced and assertive way that will not have the need to assert of fight for its acknowledgement and that it will be certain enough in its autonomy to be able to cooperate and discover and appreciate values within and without.
- All people of great diversity will learn to appreciate their richness and resilience, acknowledge and regain their ancient, pre-Indoeuropean spirit, feel compassion for the whole of society
Learning Organisations for Sustainability is a charity organisation that hosts and supports Society for Organisational Learning chaired by Peter Senge was formed in the mid 90-s as an inspirational off branch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, which has incorporated many learning initiatives both for sustainability and
systems thinking in education and school learning as well as in business. By now it has grown into a global network of fractal organisations all over the world with a growing emphasis on systemic large scale transformation in all three sectors as well as cultivating cooperation and inspired creativity enhanced by these sectors of government, business and education.
The INTENTION is to develop a DunaPartnership of various projects and programs to cooperate in and establish a SoL DunaFractal that may operate as a consortium while link to the Global network.