MINDFULNESS based SYSTEMIC EDUCATION-MbSE Training Taster for a year long Train the Trainer program starting in September.

Date: MAY 28th – 09h-18h,
Venue: European Youth Centre Budapest
1024 Budapest,
Zivatar utca 1-3.

The senior trainer for the program is Agota E Ruzsa with colleagues invited accordingly to the modules.
The skeleton of our training – learning program will be the 5 disciplines of learning schools and also the threads of disciplines that respond to them, such as dialogic practices, such as The World café and Art of Hosting, as well as Mindfulness practices applied in Education, Systemic Constellation applied in Edu and also Systems thinking and traditional strories embedded in our culture. Thus we develop the Practice and Experience based Tradition woven in Modern Science.
The Introductory Training will be co-hosted by Guus Geisen as our core trainer together with AE Ruzsa
A short intro about our work with Guus Geisen is here.
A Co-Creative dialogue with Guus Geisen and RAE is here


What makes this transformational Learning so important and urgent? Come listen to what Peter Senge . and Ervin Laszlo say about that.

SoL Hungary has already hosted aspects of this learning by Guus Geisen, Agota Ruzsa and we also had 2 major EU projects as well and now it seems the time has come to pull all that together under our joint project of initiating Collegium Peregrinus along the Danube