Network structure

sol_logoSoL globally is an association of SoL communities. In Hungary she has been open to cooperation and active partnership both for individuals and organisations. many of our activities have been shared events of the network.

még kisebbmég kisebbcopy-sol-logo-153x72.jpgSoL Hungary, as Civil society of intentional membership of organizations, researchers and consultant-facilitators with representation, Agota Ruzsa in the Global SoL General Assembly and Board.

SoL Mo alapítványThe legal support behind SoL Hu is (Tanuló szervezetek a fenntarthatóságért Alapítvány), Learning Organizations for Sustainability: A charity foundation since 2007 with

Board members
Dr Tibor Kiss, chair,2011-2013,
Dr Hajnal Klara, trustee
Dr Ferenc Kiss, trustee
Agota Ruzsa, trustee, ( and chair 2007-2011)

Control comittee: Judit Albert, chair Gabriella, Köves, Virag Balint

SoL IntézetSoL IntézetSoL IntézetSoL Institute, as service providing organization, Agota Ruzsa, legal representative and director

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