MAY 29-30th,
Wednesday 9 am – 6 pm
Thursday 9 am – 1 pm
VENUE: European Youth Centre Budapest
1024 Budapest,
Zivatar utca 1-3.
“ We will never make real headway in our complex issues if we cannot build the capacity
to work together across sectors in our societies”. Peter Senge
Our dialogue based co-creative conference will be welcome by Global SoL and SoL Hungary chairs and Sandor Kürti, founder of a world famous Hungarian company, Kürt Zrt.
Program design can be downloaded here.

Our dialogue conference will focus on hands-on issues we need to cope with so that we may grow into welcoming the emerging future with the necessary mind-set and skills and capacities.
Some questions we will ask and reflect on while we share experiences and good practices..
Living systems – Living organizations
What does our time require me as an essential part of my organization to do?
How can we transform our organizations (business, educational and governmental) towards the visible and invisible changes that are calling for our deeper commitment, wisdom and focused presence?
What does it take to move our organizations towards more innovative, inspirational and responsive living systems so that we may stay in integral strength while flexible in changes, ie. more resilient and adaptive?

Global SoL has a wide range of experiences from all corners of our society, business, education, governmental, local governments, cities and rural communities…
We offer our insights, experiences and at the same time open up to participative learning experiences, never believing that the Stone of Wisdom is held by us.
Come and share with us, dive into transformative dialogues and bring your whole self into our co-creative day process. This is Day ‘.
Day 2. is when we share in a more structured way our skills and learnings in workshops and finish the day with co-creative actions and shared projects.
Although it is not a conference of experts and listeners, but more of co-creative interactions, intense participation so that we may have a shared impact and meaning for our time together, we will invite two inspirational guests online and in persona who will bring us a possibly even wider perspective of the world we are living in.