Címke: DunaDialogues

SoL (Duna) Regional Symposion 2013

SoL Regional (Duna) Symposium 2013 will be hosted
in Budapest by SoL Hungary on November 15-16th,

Ancient Futures: Enhancing Systemic Transformation in the Region

The event will be designed as

Nov. 15. a DunaPartnership Dialogue and Theory in Practice on Systemic Transformation
Nov. 16. all day is a learning market… Open sharing of related projects and cases and idea processed by methods of Open Space and TWC.

by SoL Institute and H13

SoL regional Symposium 2012

was hosted by SoL Austria with the participation of SoL members from Austria, Hungary and Italy and Slovakia… the theme we inquired into was

The world is in Change

Creating a culture of participation and the principles of large scale interventions