
Peregrines at DunaSzers


Apart from our Collegium Danubius, we are in the process to deepen partnership and cooperation with friends and colleagues who are driven by similar passion expressed in their work and dedication simillar yet different ways and methods and focuses. It is wonderful as one can not imagine a better way for cooperation that to enhance impact and presence while nurture diversity and partnership.

Collegium Danubius and DunaSzers
Tranformative Learning for Sacred Democracy.

Our mission is that the living spirit of innovation based compassionate leadership, economy and entrepreneurship come to life in the region based on cooperation, shared understanding and innovative-generative knowledge of the right syntegration of traditional roots and new science based competencies.
Peregrines go around the world and share and co-create and many times they do come home enriched and rejuvenated… we hope that our partners offer places for rest and learn, transform and heal, create and regenerate inspired friendships, co-operations and initiatives for the benefit of the region.

More and more people ARE leaving the country in search of new and inspiring education, meaningful work and learning and oppportunities for self expression and if and when they come home…there is no understanding and welcoming space for them…so they move on again..

Their antlers have grown too big for the space they once called home…-Cantata Profana of Béla Bartók based on the Old Transylvanian ballad of the Son who transformed into a deer…

This place and region – based on the work of Riane Eisler ( The Chalice and The Blade ) inspired by Marija Gimbutas and her UCLA work of OLD EUROPE as she calls it – once had a very strong ‘ genius loci ‘ that needs reawakening for the New World…

Partners so far:

Ökosziget (EcoIsland) szövetkezet, Szentendrei régió
RemeteÖkotér, Nagykovácsi medence
Balaton felvidék, Keszthely és környéke

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