Who We Are

Learning Organizations for Sustainability, SoL Hungary is

a registered charity organization in Hungary
a Member of Global Association of SoL Communities

As we enter a new era, industrial age institutions face unprecedented changes. While no one could possibly say what all these changes will be, there is a growing consensus that continual learning and knowledge creation are becoming the keys for competitive advantage, and only through building learning-oriented cultures, will organizations become worthy of people’s fullest commitment. “ ( from the original Global SoL invitation credo )

at MIT over 20 years ago, a small group of top executives began to meet to explore these issues and discover what they could learn from one another, thus the Organizational Learning Center (OLC) was formed in 1990. Peter Senge has collected all effective research and practice results in the well known book, The 5th Discipline and as a result OLC was transformed into the Society for Organizational Learning (SoL), a non-profit, member-governed organization. P.Senge, as chair together with some dedicated and committed people around, has initiated the Global SoL Network, that has become the leading knowledge creating network in the world with several associate and full member fractal organizations all over the world.
Society for Organisational Learning
chaired by Peter Senge was formed in the mid 90’s as an inspirational off branch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, which has incorporated many learning initiatives both for sustainability and systems thinking in education and school learning as well as in business. By now it has grown into a global network of fractal organizations all over the world with a growing emphasis on systemic large scale transformation in all three sectors as well as cultivating cooperation and inspired creativity enhanced by these sectors of government, business and education.
National background
The Hungarian SoL is a community of a few associates who feel committed to transformational change in the organizational, educational and business culture of our country so that we become conscious creators of the years to come.
In 2007 Agota Ruzsa, SoL Global steward and Géza Bányai, both creative members of the Club of Budapest, and Katalin Czippán, sustainability educator decided to form a new NGO organization called Learning Organizations for Sustainability, SoL Hu.
SoL Hu also established a 4th sector partner-governed organization,Institute for Systemic& >Sustainable Organizational Learning, SoL Institute in short that is dedicated to facilitate services, generate knowledge, coach leaders in transition to serve the visions and aims of a new, sustainable society.
Our aim is to facilitate the conscious transformation of organizational cultures so that they see and organize themselves according to values that derive from ecological and systems thinking for a sustainable and compassionate society of our future institutional members, consultants-bridge builders and research and development partners to work together in a cohesive learning community for the above purposes. We also aims at inspiring other Central-European organizations whose aims are in accordance with the Manifesto of the Planetary Consciousness and the Constitution of GSN.

Our current and visionary fields of activities are
Strategic Leadership in Transition-Organizational ecology program for post-graduate or master degree accreditation
Introducing theory&practice of transpersonal psychology and mindfulness in organizational transformation
The creative use of group dialogues to facilitate the emergence of collective intelligence
Seminars and workshops and Learning Labs
Systemic and Mindful Coaching – Coach postgraduate training
The Art of Hosting Transformation-Systemic and Mindful Dialogues
Complexity in Change: The 12 levels of facilitating Change Interventions based on D.Meadows work
Beyond CSR: Sustainability in Real Action: The Blue Economy
Presencing: from intellect to intuition in leadership development
ST in Central Europe
Collegium Danubius, Youth Leading Sustainability, a network of 3-4 colleges for students and young people
of interdisciplinary background from in and around the Danube Region to develop cooperation and learning projects that connect peoples and nations in the Carpathian basin to enhance the badly needed balance in between the East and West of Europe.
Systems thinking and collective intelligence in the classroom

SoL Partnership is an open, self-organizing process of SOL-Hu with project based partnership, basically in accordance with the shared needs of our strategic partners to realize shared visions and with active, creative partner organisationsl, consultants or researchers to develop knowledge and capacities

e-members to connect and serve their learning interest. They need to align with the purposes and principles of GSN and follow the basic practice of knowledge creation for the benefit of the whole. Its administrative, coordination office is being supported by LOS-SoLinHu Foundation, though as a network organization most of our work is coordinated together with our partners, thus member organizations may at times offer their facilities when needed.

SoL Hu Foundation:
Emeritus Founder:Géza Bányai, creative member of The Club of Budapest,
Dr Tibor Kiss, chair of SOL Hu,Univeristy of Pécs,Department of Economic Development
Dr Klára Hajnal, University of Pécs, Geography and Urban Development
Dr Ferenc Kiss, Univ.of Nyíregyháza, Dean for Science Teacher Training,
Agota Éva Ruzsa, coach&facilitator, founding member and Director of SOL Institute

Control Committe
Judit Albert,chair, environment educator,head of social dialogue at the Office of Labour and Employment,
Gabriella Köves, lecturer at Univ.of Karoli Gaspar, Department of Mathematics,
Virág Bálint, grapfic designer and book editor

Project partners
Ombudsman Office for the Future Generation,
KM subcomitte of the Hungarian Academy of Science,
Association of Open Learning,
Future Research Department of the Corvinus University of Economics, Budapest

1 thought on “Who We Are

  1. Visszajelzés: Neue Methoden für den visionären Gestaltungsprozess | Antjes Blog

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