
SoL Hungary since 2004, when we had P.Senge and Ervin Laszlo at our Learning for Sustainability conference, has been dedicated to applying OL core capacities of the 5 disciplines for the benefit of deepening understanding, shipting mindset and enhance transformation towards a sacred, and sustainable society. Why? Have a look here.

We offer consultancy, development programs and shared community partnership events.

Dialogue on Circular Economy – Invitation

We would like to invite you for the Round Table Lunch in

Budapest, Monday, May18th, 11am-3pm

Hosting organisation: SoL Hungary & partner, a H13, Student and Entrepreneur Center

Venue: H13. 1085. Horánszky u.13. Budapest

Time: 11am-15pm.

Miett Tajthy Agota E. Ruzsa Kriza Máté

Projectmanager Nudge chair, SoL Hungary FCE, chair

Please respond in email if you accept our invitation.
RSVP to Ildikó Kovács, ildiko.kovacs@solintezet.hu

Further links:

TszF,SoL Hungary: www.solhungary.hu
H13 www.h13.hu
The Nudge ( Hollandia): http://www.nudgesustainabilityhub.com/circular-cities/

A short film on circular economy.
n another one on Nordic initiatives from our SoL Partner.


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