Projects of SoL Hungary
Regional scope
DanubePeregrines-College for Eco-Social Entrepreneurship and Transformational Learning for Leaders along the Danube
- The Spirit of Entrepreneurship to be enhanced in secondary and vocational schools in the region
DanubeDialogues – since 2010 we have been organizing dialogue groups in the region and in 2013 we cooperate with Dunavision project for this purpose
- SoL – DunaSpirit Summer Academy for our members and interested people to enhance their human capacities to develop personal and organizational resilience.
Hungarian scope
Systems thinking in Education and Business
Resilient cities and communities—developing participative leadership and strategy design competencies
H13 – young entrepreneurs open office -linked into the international network of IPTL ( International Partnership for Transformative Learning– to seed a group od dedicated people to launch this initiative in Hungary as well…