2013 programs in English
I. Systemic Transformation
A Day of Action conference on social, educational and global shift inspired by systems thinking
II. DanubeSpirit—The Art of Partnership and cooperation-ArtofHosting on the Danube together with DonauWaldel and WorldShiftInternational
Date: June 16-18. Budapest
II. A new world is emerging – are we?
SOL Regional Sympozium, 2013 with Special guests
A shared event between SoL Austria, SoL Croatia, SoL Hu and SoL Italy
We do welcome friends, colleagues and people interested in this world emerging.
Hosted by SoL Hungary
Date: November 7-8th
III. SoL Master Coach English modules
The Work--essentials applied in coaching realtionships, by Tamara Alferoff, UK and Agota Ruzsa, Hu
Coaching from a Systems Perspective, a European course of The Society for Organizational Learning, related flier can be downloaded here. This course was the first and ever hosted by SOL Hungary in 2010 and will be hosted again in 2013 as part of the SoL Master Coach program of SoL Hu.