2011. március hónap bejegyzései

Systems and Awareness in Coaching


A Learning Conference

10th June, 2011

Purpose is:

  • to generate interest and develop an active learning community
  • to share our knowledge and skills related to
    • Systemic understanding and
    • Aware and Mindful Presence
  • to engage in deep inquiry into our potentials as coaches in the field
  • to experiment in a safe and trusting environment with new and unexperienced ways, methods
  • to see the growing diversity in systemic approaches
  • to experience the potential power of mindful presence both as coach and coachee

Proposals for sharing need to be sent to Agota Ruzsa.

Our invited guests for the day conference are our partners and facilitators at the programs we run in the field, such as

Christoph Mandl, SOL Au,

Heidi Sp.Gubar, Richard Karash, Steve P Ober, SOL-USA

Magda Rohanszky, psycho-oncologist and mindfulness trainer

Tivadar Kórodi, psychologist and buddhist monk

Katalin Orosz, transpersonal psychologist

the power of the now – presence and awareness

shifting and changing our mental stance from within

systems and the creative field – akasha field


„Do not follow me, as I do not lead you.
Do not lead me, as I do not follow you.
Just come here, next to me and be my friend„


Information and registration: www.solintezet.hu, email: Agota Ruzsa, info@solintezet.hu